Responses submitted at: 5/21/2020 at 7:46 PM

Today's Date:

Student Name:
Stephen Hartline

Student Home Address:
191 Ridgewood Rd

Zip Code:

Phone Number:
412 538 7997

School Your Child Does/Will Attend:
North Hills High School

Student's Grade:

Current Bus Stop:
Pittview Rd, Byron Rd

Current Bus Number:

Requested Bus Stop:
Pittview Rd, Ridgewood Rd

In order to assign your child to a revised bus stop, please provide a complete address including house number, street name and zip code:
191 Ridgewood Rd Pittsburgh PA, 15237 Just some extra information incase all of administration does not know. :) This was in 2019, still not solved. I slipped and fell at my bus stop and broke my wrist on the way to the high school. This is how it went down. In August of 2018 my Mom requested to change the bus stop due to it being an unsafe bus stop that could cause injuries in the future. We were told it is not possible meanwhile 18 wheelers have turned where we wanted the bus stop. That was lie number one. Fast forward to February, it was an icy day and many schools were delayed or cancelled. North Hills did not cancel or delay. There was black ice on the ground and it was dark even with a flash light when walking to my unsafe bus stop. Then I feel and landed on my wrist. I screamed from pain and used a hall pass and a plastic bag to stop bleeding until I got to school. I arrived at school and went to the main office to see if the nurse was in yet. We do not have a nurse in the building before 7:05 and we have at least 400 students in the building. That seems like a liability issue. So I sit in the main office holding my wrist in pain, I get help but not from a nurse. A school counselor helps me and we still have no nurse yet. The school counselor opens the nurse office and helps me put a band aid on it and clean out the debris in it since we do not have a nurse in yet. I leave the nurse’s office to come back later when the nurse arrives. I head up to my favorite teacher’s classroom to tell her what happened. She helps me take my coat off. I show her it since she teaches medical classes. She said it is more than likely broken and to go to the nurse. I go down to the nurse’s office and tell the nurse I was sent by a teacher. She says it is not broken since I can move it and gives me an ice pack and tells me to go back to class. I return to my favorite teacher’s room and not class to let her know what they said. She was unhappy with what the nurse said to me and sent me to class. My ice pack was being held on by a rubber band and my wrist was flopping around. My wrist flipped around all day long and hurt bad. The next morning my Mom took me to urgent care. They did X-Rays and put on a temporary cast. The initial X-Ray showed it was not broken but they sent it off to get reviewed. A few hours later, my Mom gets a call that it is indeed broken. I come in on Monday with a temporary cast on. When I got my actual cast I got an orange one so people would notice and to send a message to the school district. Having this cast on taught me a lesson. School districts do not want news like this public. It affected my performance in school and in class. The following weeks was pain and rage of how I was treated with what happened to me. I felt lied to and betrayed to by the school district. I got no call and no apology from NH. The worst part is that NOTHING like my bus stop or safety has changed. How many more injuries at bus stops will NH need so they stop and move bus stops. This is tax money at work. -Stephen Hartline 412-538-7997

Revised Stop Request For:
Both AM and PM